Iron Toxicity Post #46: The “Readers Digest” Version of what CAUSES Mitochondrial Dysfunction…

by Genelle Young on December 28, 2016

MAG-pie & MAG-net Alert

Iron Toxicity Post #46: The “Readers Digest” Version of what CAUSES Mitochondrial Dysfunction…

(For those seeking to learn MORE about this topic, please take a spin through Iron Toxicity Post #47 which if following on the heels of this one… )

=> M.etabolic D.erangement…

is CAUSED by…

=> M.itochondrial D.ysfunction…

which is CAUSED by…

=> M.ineral D.ysregulation…

which is CAUSED by…

=> Our M.oronic D.iet AND M.yopic D.iagnoses AND M.anipulative D.rugs

which are caused by, respectively…

=> M.onsanto D.erivatives AND M.ineral D.enialists AND M.ythguided D.ruggists…

Intriguing, eh?…

A client/colleague recently shared with me that Hippocrates was forever seeking…
… the CAUSE
… of the Cause
… of the cause…

Well, NOW we know the ORIGIN of ALL of our symptoms… 😉

Please know, the path back to optimal health & metabolic homeostasis is outlined here:

A votre sante!


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