MAG-pie Alert!… #32 TOXICITY OF IRON
MAG-pie and MAG-net Alert!…
I’ve always suspected that the Lyme condition had a relationship with Iron dysregulation… No definitive proof, just a gut instinct…
A week ago, my fellow — UBER-bright — practitioner, Shawn Bean, informed me that the genetic “defect” that shows the HIGHEST for folks with Lyme is the gene for Hemochromatosis (HFE)… (The Iron loading disorder that is woven through my 30 Posts on Iron Toxicity…)
Please read this HealthNutNews article slooooooowly to appreciate that Stevia OUT PERFORMS ANTI-BIOTICS!…
And then I found this excellent article on Stevia’s properties here: (Iron & Omega?!?… 😉 )
As you read this article from Iron & Omega, this paragraph should make your eyes POP:
“Studies of Stevioside and their related compounds include the benefits of being anti-helminthic, anti-rheumatic, anti-diarrheal, diuretic, anti-hyperglycaemic, anti-hypertensive, anti-oxidants, anti-viral, immunomodulatory actions and gastro and renal-protective.” (Ferrazzano et al, 2015; and here’s the link to that 2015 study:
Which begs the question: How does Stevia (Steviocide) do ALL of those ^^^^ things?!?…
Well, it turns out that Stevia has what’s called “Ferric Reductase Properties…”
The inability to manage the valence and oxidative properties of Iron is VERY destructive to our cells, tissues, organs & overall health…
At the risk of stating the obvious…
It’s time to re-think your Iron status!
It’s absolutely time to re-think: 1) this concept of “dis-ease,” 2) what toxic, out-of-control metal is FEEDING the Oxidative Stress causing these symptoms, & 3) does the “Label” even apply anymore?!?
And, I’ll go so far as to suggest that it’s time to completely re-think HOW we address & solve one of the great scourges of the modern era: Lyme!…
A votre sante!