Sugar Causes Heart Disease… What?!?…

by Morley Robbins on June 17, 2013

Monday, June 17th, 2013 started with my good friend Kevin Cottrell asking me to comment on this Infographic, particulary for a colleague who was worried about being pre-diabetic…

Photo: No wonder Americans are so chronically magnesium deficient and can't sleep at night.</p><br /><br /><br />

This was my response…

“Stress!” causes Mg Loss. Period. As Kevin notes above, the greater your # of “Stressors!”  the greater your Mg Burn Rate (or MBR). What are some notable “Stressors?”: SAD diet (processed food), lack of sleep, heavy metals (fillings), excess Calcium in the diet (btw, Osteoporosis is a Mg deficiency issue, NOT a Calcium deficit — I didn’t believe it at first, either…), environmental toxins (think Monsanto!), Rx meds (most medications today CAUSE Mg loss), mental & emotional worry (feeling of “helplessness” is among the greatest burns of Maggie…), etc. Trust me, I could go on, and on, and on, but then you’d think me MAD! It turns out that our bodies run on Magnesium, but we’ve never been told that!…
As for Diabetes, the unwritten truth is that Insulin Resistance is CAUSED by Mg deficiency. There’s a key enzyme (Tyrosine Kinase) that makes sure that Insulin gets recognized at the cell wall and gets the glucose inside the cell where it can be made into energy (Mg-ATP, energy currency of the cell). It takes 54 Mg molecules (INSIDE the cell) to convert that sugar into Mg-ATP!

It turns out that that very enzyme is ACTIVATED by Mg! What to do? Get a Mag RBC and find out your metabolic Mg status. It’s all laid out at Best thing to do, assume that the conventional approach is off base… Why? Because they’ve NEVER told you about the Mg connection! Not an insignificant oversight… There are actually ~9 different components of Diabetes that are CAUSED by Mg deficiency, but I elected to overlook that as it begins to border on the unbelievable…
As you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask them. Join the FB group Magnesium Advocacy, or reach out and ask away: or 847.922.8061 (M)
A votre sante!…
And Kevin, as always, thanks for your relentless pursuit of the truth…

So, I was feeling pretty good about my response and was just settling in when I went to check emails… got one from Newsmax which is noted below:
I love this article… It  underscores the absolute insanity of the conventional medical system (of which I was a part of for 32 yrs) Here’s my favoreite part of the article:
“Treatment is difficult,” said Dr. Heinrich Taegtmeyer, principal investigator and professor of cardiology at the UTHealth Medical School. “Physicians can give diuretics to control the fluid, and beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors to lower the stress on the heart and allow it to pump more economically.”I was soooo stunned by this glaring distortion of the truth, I was moved to download a copy of the entire study. No where is there any mention of how the Heart actually manufactures energy and that without Magnesium, the energy show comes to a complete standstill… as in heart attack!
Now I’m not expecting you to actually read this complete article, but what is particularly noteworthy is that in this 26-page article there’s one very important word missing: Magnesium! It doesn’t even appear once. Not even as “Mg!”
That is absolutely unconscionable, particularly in light of the Infographic above. The breakdown of Glucose requires Mg. Pure and simple. It is Biochemistry 101. And while the Heart doesn’t prefer to get its fuel  from Glucose — saturated Fat is by far the preferred source — Glucose is still an important source of energy. And for those who are curious, energy is spelled “Mg-ATP” in the human body, esp. in the Heart!
What I should also point out is that “diuretics,” “beta-blockers,” “ACE Inhibitors” all do the job that Magnesium does naturally in the Heart, but onlywhen it is present in optimal amounts, which is hard to do when we’re sooooo “Stressed Out!” And the coup-d’etat of this medication conundrum is that each of those cardiac Rx meds causes Mg loss. Imagine that. Take a moment and reflect on the implications of that for the Heart…
If you are at all concerned about your Heart’s health, please know that Magnesium is, without question, the most important nutrient that you can take to ensure optimal cardiac functioning.  More on that is subsequent posts… In the meantime, just take Mo’ Maggie!
A votre sante!

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