I’ll make this one short and sweet… (I’m just as sick of ALL of these Posts on Iron as you are… 😉 )
Please read this important article: http://m.clinchem.org/content/43/8/1457.full
Please make a copy for your favorite M.ineral D.enialist who is LOST in Iron-ic anemia…
Please STOP basing decisions on Iron status using a Ferritin-ONLY blood test…
Please START basing decision on Iron status using a MORE complete & responsible assessment of your Iron metabolism: http://requestatest.com/mag-zinc-copper-panel-with-iron-panel-testing
Please know you have been amply educated & warned… 😉
And I’m PLEASED to bring this Iron-ic truth to you again, and again, and again… and will continue to do so!
A votre sante!